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The Board of Directors of FACB Industries Incorporated Berhad is committed to its fiduciary responsibilities for sound corporate governance in its business management practices. Accordingly, the Board supports the Principles and Recommendations laid out in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2012 ("the Code") wherein disclosures pursuant to the Code is mandated under paragraph 15.25 of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements.

In particular, the Company has complied with the Recommendations of the Code save for the recommendation that the tenure of independent Directors should not exceed a cumulative term of nine years and the recommendation for individual disclosure of Directors’ remuneration packages (as detailed in Other Compliance Statements of this Annual Report), whereas the ensuing paragraphs narrates how the Company has applied the Principles of the Code.

Board Of Directors

Board Charter

The Company has in place a Board Charter which sets out the Board's strategic intent and outlines the Board's roles and responsibilities. The Board Charter is a source reference and primary induction literature, providing insights to prospective board members and senior management.

The Board Charter provides a basis for good governance for effective functioning and accountability of the Company. It also ensures that the Company and its subsidiaries are effectively led and controlled with the Board of Directors having the ultimate responsibility for maintaining the highest standards of integrity, accountability and corporate governance and acting in the interest of the Company as a whole. In particular, it includes the division of responsibilities and powers between the Board and management, the different committees established by the Board, and between the Chairman and the CEO.

Finally, the Board Charter is updated from time to time to reflect changes to the Company's policies, procedures and processes as well as the latest relevant legislations and regulations.

Board Responsibilities

The principal duty and responsibility of the Board is to effectively lead and control the Company. The Board is to oversee the performance of management in a collegial relationship that is supportive yet vigilant. It is also responsible for the Company’s strategies, objectives, succession plan and accountability to shareholders.

The Board has clear roles and responsibilities in discharging its fiduciary and leadership functions and has established clear functions reserved for the Board and those that were delegated to the management which are embodied in the Board Charter.

All Directors are to act in the best interest of the Company and shall disclose to the Board of any interest or potential interest as soon as he/she becomes aware of such interest.

Board Meetings

The Company is led and controlled by an experienced Board with a wide range of expertise. Board members' judgement has a bearing on strategies, performances, resources and standards. Four (4) Board meetings were held during the financial year ended 30 June 2015 (with details attendance presented under Other Compliance Statements of this Annual Report). In between scheduled meetings and where appropriate, Board decisions may be effected via circular resolutions.

All Directors have complied with the minimum requirements on attendance at Board meetings as stipulated in the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements (minimum 50% attendance).

Minutes of proceedings and decisions taken during the Board meetings are recorded by the Company Secretary and were circulated promptly to the Board members.

Board Composition

The Board currently consists of six (6) members comprising three (3) Executive Directors and three (3) Non-Executive Directors. Among the Non-Executive Directors, all three (3) are independent, hence more than a third of the Board is independent. Meanwhile, the Board's composition reflects a commitment towards achieving a requisite mix of skills and experience in various business and financial competencies. Executive Directors have direct responsibilities for business operations whereas Non-Executive Directors are responsible for bringing independent objective judgement to bear on Board deliberations.

The Board annually examines its size and composition with a view to determine the impact of the number and make up on its effectiveness. The Board believes that the current size and composition is ideal to provide the necessary check and balance to the Board's decision-making process. The profiles of the Directors are set out under Directors/ CEO's Profiles of this Annual Report.

To ensure balance of power and authority, the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are distinct and separate. The Board has identified Datuk Wan Kassim bin Ahmed as the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director to whom concerns may be raised.

Board Independence

The Board conducts an annual assessment of the independence of its Independent Non-Executive Directors and is satisfied that they continue to bring independent and objective judgement to Board deliberations.

The Company's Independent Non-Executive Directors, namely, Datuk Wan Kassim bin Ahmed and Dato' Dr. Abdul Razak bin Abdul, having served more than 9 years, constitute a departure from the Code recommendations. The Board is of the opinion that these Directors, as a result of their long tenures, possess valuable knowledge of the structure, controls and dynamics of the Company.

Consequently, pursuant to Recommendation of the Code, the Board seek shareholders' approval to retain their designations as independent Directors. The length of their services on the Board do not in any way interfere with their exercise of independent judgement and ability to act in the best interests of the Company as they continue to be scrupulously independent in the discharge of their duties as constructive challengers of executive management.

The Board, therefore, recommends that Datuk Wan Kassim bin Ahmed and Dato' Dr. Abdul Razak bin Abdul should continue to serve as Independent Non-Executive Directors of the Company for another year.

Board Gender Diversity

The Board acknowledges the importance of board diversity in the effective functioning of the Board. The Board endeavours to achieve diversification in terms of gender, ethnicity and age, underpinned by the overriding primary aim of selecting the best candidates to support the achievement of the Company's strategic objectives.

Continuing Education of Directors

Directors' training is an on-going process as the Directors recognise the need to continually develop and refresh their skills and knowledge and to update themselves on the developments in the related industry and business landscape.

Directors are required to attend the Mandatory Accreditation Programme prescribed by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. During the financial year, the Directors attended an in-house training on "Latest Update on Goods and Services Tax affecting hotels, golf courses, property developers and manufacturers".

Apart from the above, Board members were regularly updated on global developments and trends in Corporate Governance principles and best practices besides local regulatory and risk management framework.

Supply of Information

The Directors have full and unrestricted access to all information pertaining to the Company's business and affairs, whether as a full Board or in their individual capacity, to enable them to discharge their duties. There are matters specially reserved for the Board's decision to ensure that the direction and control of the Company is firmly in its hands. Prior to the Board meetings, the Directors are provided with the agenda together with Board papers containing reports and information relevant to the business of the meeting.

Under appropriate circumstances the Directors may obtain independent professional advice at the Company's expense, in furtherance of their duties.

Company Secretary

The Company Secretary plays a supporting role to the Board to ensure adherence to the Board policies and procedure and compliances with the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements and other compliance regulations.

The Directors have ready and unrestricted access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary to enable them to discharge their duties effectively.

Board Committees

The Board has delegated specific responsibilities to Board Committees which comprise the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee. These Committees operate within defined terms of reference and are limited to making recommendations to the Board for final decision on matters discussed and deliberated.

Minutes of proceedings and decisions taken during the Board meetings are recorded by the Company Secretary and were circulated promptly to the members of Board Committees.

Appointments to the Board

The Board had established a Nomination Committee with appropriate terms of reference on 24 June 2002. The members of the Committee, currently comprising wholly of Independent Non-Executive Directors, are as follows:

  1. Datuk Wan Kassim bin Ahmed, Chairman
  2. Mr Lim Mun Kee

The Nomination Committee is chaired by a Senior Independent Director identified by the Board, thereby enhancing the Committee's overall effectiveness.

The Nomination Committee established by the Board, is responsible for screening, evaluating and recommending suitable candidates to the Board for appointment as Directors, as well as filling the vacant seats of the Board Committees. In respect of the appointment of Directors, the Company practised a clear and transparent nomination process which involves the identification of candidates, evaluation of suitability of candidates, meeting up with candidates, final deliberation by the Nomination Committee and recommendation to the Board.

The Nomination Committee has a formal assessment mechanism in place to assess on an annual basis, the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and the contribution of each individual director, including the Independent Non-Executive Directors. The Committee shall meet at least once a year. Additional meetings are held as and when required. During the financial year, the Committee met once on 27 May 2015.


In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, all Directors are subject to retirement from office at least once in every three (3) years, but shall be eligible for re-election. This provision is not only consistent with the underlying principles of the Code, but also, fully in line with paragraph 7.26 (2) of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements. The Articles also provide that any director appointed during the year is required to retire and seek re-election at the following Annual General Meeting ("AGM") immediately after such appointment.

The Directors who are subject to re-election at the AGM will be assessed by the Nomination Committee on their performance whereupon recommendations will be submitted to the Board for decision on the proposed re-election of the Directors concerned, for shareholders' approval at the forthcoming AGM.

The Directors over seventy (70) years of age, where applicable, are required to submit themselves for re-appointments annually in accordance with Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965.

Directors' Remuneration


The Board had established a Remuneration Committee with appropriate terms of reference on 24 June 2002. The primary objective of the Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board in developing and establishing competitive remuneration policies and packages in all its forms, while drawing advice from experts if deemed necessary. The Committee, currently comprising wholly Non-Executive Directors, are as follows:

  1. Datuk Wan Kassim bin Ahmed, Chairman
  2. Dato' Dr. Abdul Razak bin Abdul
  3. Mr Lim Mun Kee

The Committee shall meet at least once a year. Additional meetings shall be scheduled if considered necessary by the Committee or Chairman. During the financial year, the Committee met once on 27 August 2014.

The Level and Make-up of Remuneration

The Committee's duty is to, inter-alia, review the remuneration framework and packages of newly appointed and existing Executive Directors and make recommendations to the Board for approval, with the underlying objective of attracting, motivating and retaining Directors needed to run the Company successfully. In particular, the remuneration package is structured to commensurate with corporate and individual performance, business strategy and long term objective of the Company.

In respect of Non-Executive Directors, the level of remuneration reflects the experience and level of responsibilities undertaken and is a matter for consideration by the Board as a whole. The Non-Executive Directors abstain from discussion pertaining to their own remuneration.


The details of Directors' Remuneration for the financial year are summarised under Other Compliance Statements of this Annual Report.


Dialogue between Company and Shareholders

The Company recognises the importance of keeping shareholders well informed of the Group's major corporate developments and events. The Board had directed the Company to disclose all relevant information to shareholders to enable them to exercise their rights. Such information is duly and promptly announced via appropriate communication channels.

In particular, dissemination of information includes the distribution of Annual Reports, announcement of quarterly financial performances, issuance of circulars, press releases and holding of press conferences.

To further enhance transparency to all shareholders and stakeholders of the Company, the Group has established a website at where shareholders can access information encompassing corporate information, financial highlights, annual reports, Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad's announcements and media updates.

The Annual General Meeting ("AGM")

AGM is the principal platform for dialogue with shareholders, wherein, the Board presents the operations and performance of the Group. During the meeting, shareholders are given every opportunity to enquire and comment on matters relating to the Group's business.

The Company has taken active steps to encourage shareholder participation at general meetings such as serving notices for meetings earlier than the minimum notice period. The Chairman and members of the Board are available to respond to shareholders' queries during the meeting.

Acountability And Audit

Financial Reporting

The Board is responsible for ensuring a balanced and understandable assessment of the Company's position and prospects in its quarterly announcements and annual reports. The Audit Committee assists the Board by reviewing the disclosure information to ensure completeness, accuracy and validity. A full Directors' Responsibility Statement is also included in this Annual Report.

Internal Control

The Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control set out in this Annual Report provides an overview of the Company's approach in maintaining a sound system of internal control to safeguard shareholders' investment and the Company's assets.

Relationship with the Auditors

The Board via the establishment of an Audit Committee, maintains a formal and transparent relationship with the Company's auditors and place great emphasis on the objectivity and independence of the Group's external auditor.

The roles of the Audit Committee in relation to the auditors in particular, and corporate governance in general, are detailed in the Audit Committee Report of this Annual Report.

This statement is made in accordance with resolution(s) of the Board of Directors dated 12 October 2015.